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luni, 29 aprilie 2013

Zuzu Zuzu  /  16:48  /  ,   /  No comments
Va avea Kate Middleton un baietel? Ce detaliu a dat-o de gol pe DucesaDesi refuza sa divulge sexul copilului sau pana la momentul nasterii, era de asteptat ca obiectele cumparate pentru venirea pe lume a micutei/micutului sa dea in vileag acest secret.

Se pare ca luna trecuta, in cadrul unei intalniri cu sotiile soldatilor britanici, Kate s-a scapat si a marturisit unei dintre ele ca a cumparat un carucior Bugaboo albastru deschis.

Respectiva femeie a povestit presei britanice declaratie a Ducesei abia acum. Daca e adevarat, aceasta e o dovada cat se poate de clara ca Kate va avea un baietel.

Exista, bineinteles, posibilitatea ca Ducesei sa-i placa, pur si simplu, culoarea albastra. Dar de ce ai cumpara accesorii albastre daca nu ai un baietel? Kate si William au sugerat in cateva randuri ca nici ei nu stiu inca sexul bebelusului, dar in cazul acesta nu ar fi cumparat ceva intr-o culoare neutra, cum ar fi verdele sau galbenul? In plus, Kate a marturisit odata ca spera sa fie baietel.

Respectivele carucioare costa in jur de 1.000 de dolari si sunt foarte apreciate de vedete, Sienna MIller si Peaches Geldof fiind doar doua dintre celebritatile care au fost vazute plimbandu-si copiii in ele. Contactati de presa britanica, reprezentantii brandului au declarat ca nu au trimis niciun carucior la Palat, stiind ca Kate nu accepta produsele gratuite.

Concluzia este ca Ducesa si-a cumparat ea insasi caruciorul. Kate si mama ei, Carole Middleton, au fost fotografiate deseori in ultima vreme cumparand produse pentru viitorul bebelus.
The Duchess of Cambridge was spotted with her mother Carole Middleton during a shopping trip in South Kensington, where they bought a large white wicker Moses basket for the imminent arrival of the royal babyKate wore a loose blue maternity top with a pretty lace collar for the outing
The Duchess and her mother were seen dining in a nearby Mediterranean restaurant before their visit to a children's clothing and furniture storeKate spent up to an hour inside the children's clothing and furniture store with her mother
The shop owner would not discuss Kate's purchases but said she was 'honoured' to receive a visit
A bodyguard was waiting to drive the Duchess and her mother away, presumably to Kensington Palace where Kate is overseeing the refurbishment of her future family home, Apartment 1A
The Duchess and her mother both chose dark blue skinny jeans with knee-high black boots for their shopping tripThe Duchess and her mother both chose dark blue skinny jeans with knee-high black boots for their shopping trip
Kate and Carole settled on a large white wicker version of the basket and were clearly discussing their purchase as they walked towards their waiting car
Kate is to move in with her mother at the Middleton family home in Bucklebury, Berkshire, after the birth and preparations for the royal arrival look to be well underway
Carole is said to be nervous but thrilled at the prospect of becoming a grandmother for the first time
The Duchess carried two handbags while Carole took care of carrying the large white wicker Moses basket

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